Green Dragon Bus

Invitiation to our Annual Review

All our supporters and other interested parties are welcome to join us at our Annual Review (instead of our AGM) at the Picton Centre in Haverfordwest – do let us know if you’re coming (for catering) and we may be…

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AMO on Expedition in North Wales

AMO has been working hard taking north Pembrokeshire young people out on a practice expedition for their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Expedition. AMO is the perfect vehicle for transporting a group and all their equipment – what adventures could…

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Award for Green Dragon Bus star

Award for Green Dragon Bus star

Green Dragon Bus is delighted that our driver, Yve, is being recognised by such a prestigious  National organisation for her fantastic respsonse on coming upon a serious car crash as she drove home from driving the Haverfordwest Town Rider. Yve…

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