Green Dragon Bus

Fishguard Town Rider

This service operates on Thursdays & Saturdays
between the hours of 09.30 & 16.30.

This service is available to anyone who cannot access public transport but are in need of transport in this area during these times.

How does this Town Rider work?


This service operates in and around Fisihguard on Thursday’s and Saturday’s.

In order to use the  service just call 01239 698 506 to book your seat on the bus please give us at least 48 hours notice.

The service is for anyone who needs transport for whatever reason and is FREE with an All Wales Concessionary Bus Pass. 

Please note:- our minibuses are now fitted with ticket machines so you must present your bus pass when getting on the vehicle.  If you don’t have a bus pass then a fare will apply.

When booking please give your name, address and contact telephone number together with details of where you would like to go.

If you need the service to get you to an appointment please give details of where your appointment is and the time.  We will contact you back with a pick up time.

The minibus is wheelchair accessible and our driver is on hand to give passengers assistance when boarding or alighting the vehicle.

For further information please telephone Green Dragon Bus on 01239 698 506 – you may have to leave a message.

Why not go shopping, enjoy a coffee or ice cream on the sea front, visit the doctor, dentist or hairdresser, go to the beach or just go for the ride!

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