
Welcome to my new photo gallery! You can use the links below or the menu above to browse my different galleries. I have also tagged all my photos so that you can browse any subject of your choice using the ‘Portfolio tags’ to the right.

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2 Responses to Gallery

  1. linda peel says:

    Hi Alastair

    We met at Lockley Lodge My Sister and brother in law Chris & Gary ?

    Just had a peep at your photos I really love them, maybe you can let me know when you have put some puffins ? on

    Best Wishes Lindi x

  2. Raúl Pozner says:

    Hi Alastair,

    I am working on Calyceraceae evolution (the plant family of the false-plantain), and your picture of the false-plantain (Nastanthus falklandicus) is very interesting. I would be grateful if I could buy a copy of that image (and of any other image of the false plantain) to study the structure of that plant. It would be ideal also, if I could get your authorization to reproduce that image in a scientific publication.
    Thanks for your time.


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